Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

eX. 2 A Move Towards Progress

Arc 405 eX.2_complete animation

This animation is the culmination of previous explorations in pattern development and spacial flexibility, which are demonstrated in Posts 1-3. The animation depicts the possibilities of a permeable and changing 3-dimensional surface for use as an architectural element (wall, floor, skin, etc.). Though, the object as a singular entity demonstrates a rigid rectilinear mass, it is not limited to such constraints. The intention for further investigations with this 3D pattern is to integrate a more versatile rule system that will allow for more movement and more design freedom.

eX.2 Opening Credits

Arc 405 eX.2_partial animation

In the initial trials of working with animating my 2D and 3D patterns, I aimed to tell the story of pattern progression - base pattern element to general pattern to a patterned defined by my specified rule system. This animation introduces the foundation of my pattern and briefly shows its growth.

eX.2 The Law

Arc 405 eX.2_rubberband animation

With a series of still photos, the assignment asks to create a short animation demonstrating a responsive architectural environment as defined by our own system of rules and constraints. In my first attempts of narrowing down a rule system, it proved to be more difficult than I had anticipated. It was necessary to be precise and focused on how specific variables could be affected by others. Eventually, I felt it was necessary to really confine my system and simplify.

The rules are as follows:
1. Individual occupants are defined by 4-square diamonds.
2. Occupant movement is constrained to right angles (horizontally & vertically).
3. When emotion is changed, the occupant's diamond will increase by 2 units in each direction.
4. Minimum length of wall is one unit's length on either side of the occupant.
5. Maximum length of wall is two unit's length on either side of the occupant affected by emotion.
6. Walls recognize presence of occupant by withdrawing one unit away from occupant's defined diamond.

eX.1-eX.2 The Breakdown

Arc 405 eX.1-eX.2_process